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The Spirit of Basel

under the title "The Spirit of Basel» the Gaia Media Foundation stages different events on all topics and phenomena of the human consciousness.

The Spirit of Basel

The qualities of places are traditionally conceived of in terms of the genius loci, the spirit of the place. In this context, the word 'spirit' has two connected meanings: a feeling, atmosphere or character; and an invisible entity or being, with its own soul and personality.
Rupert Sheldrake

Basel is famous for its humanistic tradition, be it the spirit of an Erasmus of Rotterdam, the activity of a Paracelsus, or the discoveries of an Albert Hofmann. Against this backdrop the Gaia Media Foundation stages - under the title "The Spirit of Basel» - different events, like lectures, conferences, symposiums, a.s.o on all topics and phenomena of the human consciousness.

Different places on the face of the earth have different vital effluence, different vibration, different chemical exhalation, different polarity with different stars: call it what you like. But the spirit of place is a great reality.

Up to date our lecturing guests have been: Ralph Abraham, Guenter Amendt, Wolfgang Bauer, Markus Berger, Mathias Broeckers, Govert Derix, Marlene Dobkin de Rios, Luisa Francia, Martin Frischknecht, Jochen Gartz, Steven Harrison, Kay Hoffman, Albert Hofmann, Michael Hutchison, Gerd König, John C. Lilly, Ralph Metzner, Claudia Mueller Ebeling, Jeremy Narby, Nana Nauwald, Patrizia Ochsner, Christian Raetsch, Fabio Ramirez, Manuel Schoch, Ann & Sasha Shulgin, Wolf Dieter Storl, Renato Strassmann, Maggie Tapert, Roberto Venosa.

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