Albert Hofmann, Ph.D.,
h.c. (CH)
Chemist, Discoverer of LSD
Günter Amendt, Ph.D. (GER)
Social Scientist, Therapist, Publicist
Rudolf Bauer, M.D. (AT)
Pharmacist, Professor for Pharmacognosy at the University Graz,
President of the Society for Medicinal Plant Research
John Beresford, M.D. (CAN)
Psychiatrist, Founder of the Agora Scientific Trust, the world's first
research organization devoted to investigating the effects of LSD,
Founder of the Committee on Unjust Sentencing
Rudolf Brenneisen, M.D. (CH)
Pharmacist, Professor for Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical
Phytochemistry at the University of Bern
Mathias Broeckers (GER)
Literary Scholar, Publicist
Brummbär (GER)
Psychedelic Digital Artist
Rael Cahn (USA)
M.D./Ph.D. student at UC San Diego and visiting doctoral student at the
University of Zurich, currently conducting a study comparing meditation
and psilocybin
Hans Cousto (CH/GER)
Mathematician and Musicologist
Rick Doblin, Ph.D. (USA)
Founder and President of MAPS (Multidisciplinary Association for
Psychedelic Studies)
John Dunbar (UK)
Artist, Co-founder of the Indica Gallery, London, meeting place of
Beats, Pop and Rock Stars of the Sixties
Bruce Eisner (USA)
Psychedelic Activist, Editor with High Times and Omni, Writer,
President of Island Foundation
Earth Erowid (USA)
Professional Drug Geek, Co-founder and CTO of Erowid.org
Fire Erowid (USA)
Psychedelic Librarian, Co-founder and Head Archivist of
Amanda Feilding (GB)
Consciousness Researcher, Founder and Director of The Beckley
Robert Forte (USA)
Independent scholar, former director of the Albert Hofmann Foundation,
Editor of the 20th Anniversary Edition of "The Road To Eleusis"
Martin Frischknecht (CH)
Journalist, Publisher "Spuren"
Jochen Gartz, Ph.D. (GER)
Chemist, Mycologist
Mark A. Geyer, Ph.D. (USA)
Professor of Psychiatry & Neurosciences
Department of Psychiatry
University of California, San Diego
Sergius Golowin (CH)
Myths Researcher, Folklorist
Alex Grey (USA)
Visionary and Psychedelic Artist ("Sacred Mirrors",
Charles S. Grob, M.D. (USA)
Director of the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the
Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Professor of Psychiatry and Pediatrics at
the UCLA School of Medicine, Editor of "Hallucinogens"
Urban Gwerder (CH)
Publisher of "Hotcha", the main Swiss underground paper in the 60s,
Sue Hall (GB)
Trancedancer thru the 60s and 90s, psychonaut Buddhist, DJ
John H. Halpern, M.D. (USA)
Associate Director of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Research at Harvard's
McLean Hospital
Matthias Hamburger, Ph.D. (CH)
Pharmacist, Professor and Head of the Institute of Pharmaceutical
Biology at the University of Basel
Jon Hanna (USA)
Writer, Publicist, Publisher of the «Psychedelic Resource
Felix Hasler, Ph.D. (CH)
Neuropharmacologist, Hallucinogen Researcher
Martina Hoffmann (DE/USA)
Psychedelic and Visionary Artist
Ulrich Holbein (GER)
Publicist, Writer
John «Hoppy» Hopkins (GB)
Photographer, Promoter of the "International Times", and the UFO Club,
Michael Horowitz (USA)
Consultant, Ludlow Santo Domingo Library, owner of Flashback Books,
editor of works by Aldous Huxley and Timothy Leary
Thomas Kessler (CH)
Former delegate for drug issues of the city of Basel, Member of the
Swiss Commission for drug issues
Thomas Klett, Ph.D. (GER)
CEO of the Ernst Kett AG and Associate Publisher of Klett-Cotta Verlag
Stanley Krippner, Ph.D. (USA)
Parapsychologist, Professor of Psychology at Saybrook Graduate
School, San Francisco
Wolfgang Kubelka, Ph.D. (AT)
Pharmacist, Professor emeritus for Pharmacognosy at the University of
Martin A. Lee (USA)
Journalist, Writer, Author of "Acid Dreams"
Roger Liggenstorfer (CH)
Publisher of Nachtschatten Verlag, President "eve&rave"
Ralph Metzner, Ph.D. (USA)
Consciousness Researcher and Psychotherapist, Pioneer of Psychedelic
Research at Harvard, Co-author (with Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert)
of "The Psychedelic Experience"
Mark McCloud (ARG/USA)
Art Historian, Collector of Blotter and other Psychedelic Art
Barry Miles (GB)
Journalist, Writer, Co-founder of the "International Times", Co-founder
of the Indica Gallery
Michael Mithoefer, M.D. (USA)
Psychiatrist, Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the Medical
University of South Carolina
Valerie Mojeiko (USA)
Program Director and Clinical Research Associate at MAPS
Claudia Müller-Ebeling, Ph.D. (GER)
Art Historian, Anthropologist
Jeremy Narby, Ph.D. (CAN/CH)
Anthropologist, Author of "The Cosmic Serpent", "Shamans Through Time"
(with Francis Huxley), «Amazonia Ambient Project» with The Young
David E. Nichols, Ph.D. (USA)
Professor of Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, Co-founder
of the Heffter Research Institute (HRI)
Reynold Nicole (CH)
Jonathan Ott (USA)
Ethnobotanist, Writer, Translator of "LSD - My Problem Child"
Torsten Passie, M.D., M.A. (GER)
Scientific collaborator and Psychiatrist at the Department of Clinical
Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Medical School Hannover
Dale Pendell (USA)
Poet, Software Engineer, Ethnobotanist, Author of
Werner Pieper (GER)
Publisher of The Grüne Kraft
Christian Rätsch, Ph.D. (GER)
Anthropologist, Ethnopharmacologist, Author of "Encyclopedia of
Psychoactive Plants"
Micky Remann (GER)
Media Artist, Inventor of "Liquid Sound", Writer
Béatrice Rubli (CH)
Medium, Psychic Healer
Carl P. Ruck, Ph.D. (USA)
Mythologist, Co-author (with A. Hofmann, R. G. Wasson) of "Road to
Luc Saner, Ph.D. (CH)
Lawyer, Politician
Michael Schlichting, M.D. (GER)
Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist
specialized in Forensic Psychiatry at the
Psychiatric State Hospital Göttingen
Manuel Schoch (CH)
Therapist, Founder of "Time Therapy"
Andrew Sewell, M.D. (USA)
Research Fellow in Psychiatry at the Harvard Medical School, studies
for treating cluster headache patients
with LSD
Alexander T. Shulgin, Ph.D. (USA)
Pharmacologist, Chemist
Ann Shulgin (USA)
Psychedelic Researcher, Therapist
Ronald Steckel (GER)
Director, Writer, Media Artist
Wolfgang Sterneck (GER)
Cultural Activist, Sociologist, Director of the Alice-Project,
Myron J. Stolaroff (USA)
Founder of the International Foundation for Advanced Study, Director of
The Albert Hofmann Foundation
Wolf-Dieter Storl, Ph.D. (GER)
Ethnobotanist und Cultural Anthropologist
Juraj Styk, M.D. (CH)
Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist
Roberto Venosa (USA)
Psychedelic and Visionary Artist
Rolf Verres, M.D. (GER)
Specialist for Psychotherapeutical Medicine, Director of the Institute
of Medical Psychology at the Centre for Psychosocial Medicine at the
University Clinic Heidelberg
Simon Vinkenoog, (NL)
Chronicler, Writer
Franz X. Vollenweider, M.D. (CH)
Neuropsychiatrist and Consciousness Researcher, Founder Heffter
Research Center Zurich (HRC), University Hospital of Psychiatry
Peter Webster (USA)
Chemist, Consciousness Researcher
Fred Weidmann, Ph.D. (GER)
Visionary Artist
Carlo Zumstein, Ph.D. (CH)
Shaman, Psychotherapist, Founder and Director of the Foundation for
Living Shamanism and Spirituality (FLSS)
Supporting Program
Akasha Project (GER)
Barnim Schultze, Composer, Musician
Banco de Gaia (UK)
Toby Marks, Composer, Musician
Star Sounds Orchestra (GER)
Jens Zygar and Steve Schroyder, Composers, Musicians
November 2005 • Subject to alteration